Saturday, April 14, 2007

snow pictures

Just a few photos to make you wish you were here, even though it is as cold as it looks.


Anonymous said...

Put on a hat!!!! These pictures are unbelievable - they look like travel posters for Conde Nast (a very fancy travel magazine). We are suitably envious.
Love, Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Great to catch up your adventures! We were in Israel for 2 weeks so only now read your last "medical" post. What an amazing time you're having. Look forward to seeing you when you get home.
Mary & Hershel

The Wondering Chew - said...

Hi Jill!
So I'm now about halfway caught up in all your blog posts, as somehow I didn't have your site until just now...anyway though, these pics totally pull my heartstrings to get down to that part of the world. And I love the llama pics, particularly the "llama looks at llama" one :-)
Hope the rest of your travels are great!