Saturday, January 13, 2007

No hablo espanol

So it´s a darn good thing I´m here I guess. My spanish es horrible. I am here, arrived without problem. It´s so weird to be in a time zone only 2 hours different. It´s warm and sunny and beautiful, and if I said I missed the snow at home no one would believe me, but I do, a little bit. I just finished up with orientation at the school, and now I´m waiting for my ride back to the house. My host family is very nice, the house is beautiful, accomodations wonderful. They don´t speak english at all so yesterday I was forced to remember bits and pieces of high school spanish, which was humorous at times and usually grammatically incorrect. But that´s why I´m here. I´m still a bit tired and out of it, although I got nearly 10 hours of sleep last night. The next post will be newsier, more upbeat, and hopefully dotted with pictures. But that´s all for now.

1 comment:

Ben said...

-Como se llama usted, seniorita?
-Me llamo Maria.
-Hola Maria, que tal? Como estas?
-Muy bien, y usted?
-Bien, pero un poco consado.
-Lo siento. Adios!
-Hasta luego!