Monday, January 15, 2007

La primera dia

Day 1, so far so good. I have like two minutes to update as they shuffle you around from classes from 8 am to 2 pm with only a few 10 minute breaks. Anyway, things are going well, I´m remembering more and more Spanish, so that´s good. There are a lot of obnoxious 20 year old college students, but eh. In fact, there are three guys who are staying with the same host family, they were in Acapulco this weekend and returned last night. The are 20, have only had 2 weeks of Spanish so they only speak English to me, and have one more week. I think they enjoy being able to drink in public more than anything else, as almost all of their stories have started out with "well, we were going to do this, but we were too shitfaced to wake up." Fantastic boys. I did go out for a beer with them last night, and it was nice to get out and see some of El Centro. The best way I can describe these guys is, if you´ve seen the movie Borat, they are only slightly less offensive and just as ignorant as the southern frat boys in the Winnibego that Borat hitched a ride yeah. They are from Pennsylvania, but sound like the just walked out of the backwoods of Mississippi. They have tried to warn me of things like people starring and whistling and other such encounters of traveling, and I thought "uh, yeah, I´ve been worries." In fact, it´s refreshing to feel like I actually fit in, thanks to the tan I got in Hawaii. Anyway, yesterday, I went to Teopatzlan (I know I butchered the spelling of that) with the host family, a small town about 45 minutes away, with a huge market. We walked around el mercado, toured la iglesia, (in three days I have already seen many churches...) and bought some food at the market. Among many food, there were pig skins for sale, along with most other body parts, whole or partial chickens (any part you want), cactus leaves (are they called leaves??), chiles, grasshoppers...your standard market fare, I think. The bell just rang (can we say structured???) so I have to go to my last class - health care vocabulario. I´ll post pictures when I can!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a blast. If you have a chance to get near Morelia, Michoacan, I hear the butterfly valleys are amazing. I lived in Patzcuaro and Moralia when I was about your age or a quarter. It's several hours away toward Playa Azul and Ixtapa/Zihuataneo where we went last winter. The Monarch butterflies should have migrated there by now. Hope your experience is full of all kinds of riches for you! Thinking of you! Hasta la vista, bebe! Marcia

Brendan McNamara said...

Sounds awesome! Good to see you are settled in safely. Oh, and there's a saying that Pennsylvania is Philadelphia in the east, Pittsburgh in the west, and Alabama in the middle.